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march holidays
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Goodbye march holidays. I have school everyday during the 1 week holiday.
Mon - 8 - 930 malay, 930 - 1230 Dnt, 1 - 4 POA, 4 to next day Camp.
Tue - 8 - 11 malay. 1 - 2/3 Maths. 2/3 to next day camp.
Wed 8 - 930 malay, 930 - 1230 Dnt. after that is camp til break camp.
Thu/Fri - 830 - 1230 Dnt.
This is my schedule for the week. Its like normal school but only 3 subjects.the only thing i look forward is camp.

10:02 pm

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Last weekend was CNY holidays.
On Saturday went to gym with khairi and mahdhir. Its been such a long time since i last workout.
Sunday slack at home.
Monday played soccer with hakeem, zubair, shafiq and luqman.
Tuesday went to the gym with khairi. this time mahdhir was lazy to go (standard ah him). Did 10 min on the trackmill (gawd, it was tiring). then check height and weight. Bloody Hell I'm 51kg. and still 167 cm. i weigh 2 kg heavier. i should cut down on eating and sleeping. Thats it, i should start exercising. then after gym we went to kfc to eat. i will always feel hungry after gym. There goes the hard effort burning the calories. i should stop eating all these oily junk food.
Today we had cny celebration at home. Isabelle text me last night saying that she forgot about the posters and signboard. being me i was like okay. then i went to bed. i woke up abit late today so by the time i reached school isabelle had already bought the items to do the signboard. and she scolded me. well i just sat there and looked at her and schvelle do the signboard. then mr lokhman dedcided to buy snacks to sell. it was all last minute. then the sec 1s and 2s came down. so we sold more than half of the snacks. so by the time the sec 3s came down all of the snacks were sold out. we closed shop early. then it was cny celebration in the hall.
after the cny went to wei jie's house for street soccer. but before that me fathullah and khalis(e6) went to simpang bedok for prata. then played street soccer. and the incredible thing was that Yap Jia Ji was there. He took the time off from studying to play soccer. That is the first time. then went home to sleep.

8:11 pm

Common test
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

today is the last paper for common test. i screwed up common test big time. especially humanities. im not expecting any As but i hope i could an A for poa. i just dont want to fail anything. my schedule for the week is very tight. monday - poa tuition and maths tuition. tuesday - science tuition. wednesday - campcraft. thursday - dragonboat. Friday - Npcc. Saturday - malay class, dnt class and religious class. Sunday - poa tuition. im too tired to elaborate more so goodnight.

9:05 pm

It's my fault again!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Me and my mouth again. i always say the wrong things and make ppl upset. but i dont care anymore. you want to be mad at me u want to show attitude carry on. im used to it already. Whatever i say is always wrong. I'm sorry i didn't mean what i say.

Sometimes I don't know why do people do their work and still not scoring well. Sometimes they know that they have bad results but they don't do anything. I feel that homework is a waste of time. Although certain homework are interesting and worthwhile doing. Some people who doesn't do their homework can score better to those who do their homework diligently. Its a matter of how people study. Study smart and not study hard.

11:55 pm

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm bored.

9:37 pm

Friday, January 01, 2010

Many things happen this year. the good and bad. Everything that happen has a reason. Many things can be learn from what had happened. It made me a stronger person. Certain events will always stay in my mind while others are just meant to be forgotten. so leave the bad past remember the happy past and ENJOY 2010!
Thats all folks.
For now.

11:27 am

Saturday, December 19, 2009

im blogging cause ppl ask me to blog.

so this week on monday had campcraft meeting then played soccer with nabil, shalihin and shafiq. then had campcraft training on tuesday and thursday. then on tuesday night had dikir barat training. its very tiring. today went to school after prayers to check the logistics and see the seniors get n levels results. the results this year was not bad. putra was already freaking out as he needs to work hard to match this years n levels results. then slack at np room while waiting for xinyu.

being campcraft captain is no easy job. A lot of task needed to do. and its very hard to gain support from various ppl. I still need to tell some ppl that they are out of the team. and one more thing that always happen in np or should i say ug is conflict management. I hope campcraft doesnt affects my studies cause its o level year next year.

1:04 am