The holidays have arrived. im not really looking forward for the holidays. i just want it to end faster. Well holidays is the time where we spend time with our family and friends. This November/December holidays would be one of the loneliest holidays i would ever have. well looking at brighter side. There will be the Vietnam trip during the holidays. Its only 7 days.
This Friday I'll be off to Ubin for STC. I'll come back on Sunday. Then on Tuesday I'll be flying off to Vietnam and coming on monday, 30/11/09. then there will be campcraft comp training every week and Dikir Barat training every week. that's basically it for my holidays.
Campcraft comp. I'm for the boys team. Its really very hard work. I keep cocking up no matter what i do. I get blame for every mistake that happens. people expect me to know everything. but nobody is telling me anything. what happen when i was 1st i/c for cca open house happened again. Everything is planned behind my back. and evryone is not contacting me and i get blame when i dont know anything. And my team is not listening to me. well i feel like stepping down but i will embarass myself. I was made a fool just now. Thanks to the person who only told me to come to new foyer at 945 and suppose to tell me that there is a training.