Today i want to tell a story about 3 friends A,B and C.
A,B and C were very good friends. In fact they were best friends. The 3 of them will hang out everyday after school and go home together in the same bus. It used to be only the 3 of them. Then A found this girl. Then this girl started to be in A, B and C's life. B and C soon realise that A is getting further away from them. After sometime their speculation came true. A left them. B and C tried to get A back but it was no use. A was very stubborn and he likes to procrastinate. B and C were very sad. B and C were also not that close anymore. B started to ignore C. Whatever C, B will scold. Without any reasons B was not acknowledging C anymore. B would not include C in conversations. B would not tell C anything. B would trust others than C. C was left alone. C had to seat alone while B would seat with another person. once b said that b would never leave B's best friends for another person but the irony is she is leaving her best friends. C would go home alone. C now have no best friends to talk to. All that C ask is an explanation for B's sudden change in behavior. Both of them did not care about him anymore. B started to ask A and B to talk to each other but both were stubborn. Both were busy with their own life, their own fun that they forget about the fun the 3 of them had together.
This is the end of the story for now. Hopefully the story will end with a good ending. Hopefully the 3 friends would get back together with no disputes or another person.