in the morning went to parade square. saw khalis. he was talking abt his fringe being long then i realise my fringe also long so i told him just hide it cause our hair is short. teacher wont suspect that much if we have short hair.
ss, pe, recess, malay, poa, ace. to all u buggers stop lah. the thing started during poa. so ppl who did this to me stop it lah u all being childish.
then after school went to np room to do cleaning cause its so damn untidy after sec 1 camp. so sent khaliesah off for her malay oral. then the boys in the room started to eat the combat rations. then we all went outside np room and cook maggi. after that me putra and khaliesah went to swensens. then went to famous amos to meet steven cause khaliesah left her poa book at np room. then took 22.


my cup

my gold rush

candid ke per?
holidays !!!
morning had sergeant test.
after lunch was advance party its the final preparation for sec 1 camp.
dinner was pizza hut cause mr goh belanja us $200.
then had trouble sleeping so actually i half slept it was everyday i sleep on sleeping bag.
woke up at 4 then play luke psp.
bath and got ready then waited for sec 1.
sec 1 camp ( a lot to elaborate).
slept better cause damn tired .
woke up then woke khairi then woke putra.
decided to beat the sec 1 to the toilet.
the sec 1 woke up late.
I was PTI.
sec 1 camp (a lot to elaborate again).
break camp.
went to HTA to collect NUMBER ONE.
then went home and slept.
Good job to jia ji and khaliesah both of u did well for the camp.
woke up.
slack at home.
body was aching.
went to school.
school service.
went for breakfast/lunch with khaliesah, scott, irfan, putra, and heather
me putra irfan went to friday prayers and khaliesah went home.
waited for khaliesah then me putra irfan khaliesah walk ard tm and went to watch movie.
then went to famous amos met masita and sir steven.
woke up
met khaliesah and putra at mac.
went to school .
went to nyjc .
supported pasir ris.
pasir ris won.
shouted .
congrats pasir ris for winning the gpa.
dinner with aqilah khaliesah aisyah helmi irfan putra and iskandhar.
then went to famous amos met steven and masita.
the the trios took 22 home.
this was my holidays. lazy to write in paragraph form.
monday school i have not touch my homework so tomoro or today cause its past 12 ready must CHIONG !!!
in the morning went to mac for breakfast with brahmawan, syafiq, putra, haziq, zakiah, syimah, athira and izza. then went to school. ya so it was a normal day. after school went to canteen. ate lunch and talk to the ppl there. then went up to np room. plan for campfire. carry the campfire wood. played some games. after that went home and do proposal.
today was okay.
after school lunch at canteen. then went to put bags and assembled at the general office.
i boarded the bus to sri warisan. the place is at little india. wth. so learned abt wayang kulit and so on. then went to s11. after that went to street soccer court. i played in an attacking position. i intersected the ball well. i brought forward the ball. i got the ball at very good position. but still my finishing sucks. i think i had abt 10 shots on target but 0 goals. what a waste. this is not my first time its been happening quite a while. i wish i was on form like last year. still got poa hw. maths hw although mr ng is in reservist, if i keep up not doing the work it will soon pile up.
today when to school as per normal but my earpiece spoil dono why 1 side can hear the other cant. so had to use my other earpiece. i always come prepared.
social studies. mr chong speaks very loud and clear his stories are always interesting and its mostly related ss so its okay. i cant wait to get my ss marks tomoro although i felt that my answer was abit off but lets see it tomoro.
Physical Education. well same old routine warm ups then run. during the run i showed my true colours and ran fast instead of slow jogging at the back. got 3rd. then sit-ups and chin-ups. then mr chai taught us a new thing, reverse something i forgot what its called. so we had to be in a chin up position and let our legs touch the bar. i accidently did a bicycle kick and my legs hurt. then we did standing broad jumps and shuttle run.
malay. i had to change seat. now im seating at zubair's old seat. i hate it i hate seating at the front and middle section of the class i miss my old seat cause its at the corner and i like it there.
PoA. same thing teacher checked hw we sat then we do work.
assembly was boring except for the zhiliang part.
after school plan to go to army shop with ncc but instead went to np room and lepak there. and sec 1 camp is next week. it will be the first time that i will see squad 1.
and this is my 50th post. yay :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 months have passed. within these 2 months many things happen. starting of the year sec 1 orientation. to me this is the one of the few best event that happen this year till now. we all had a great time. bonding with the student leaders, guiding the sec 1s and many fun things that we all did. this was the rare occasion that i look forward to. but all these was only for a while. after sec1 orientation the sl we had to work hard to cover the the classes that we had missed. then the shit happen one after another. it made me look back whether or not i have made the right decision to choose this class. being pressurize. this is all shit. i feel that i can study alot better in my old class where these things don't happen. 1e7 & 2e6. I was in a class amongst the few top students in the school but then i did not take the opportunity instead i went on the safe side. now 3e4 well its not an a maths class but i regreted not taking double science and geography my two strengths. i just feel like changing to another class maybe 3e5 cause of the subject combination is the same. and everytime kena scolding the innocent will be the one that suffer. now we have to carry books to school sometimes not even using it. i feel that its unfair for those who did not do anything wrong to get punished. and now regimentation being in npcc i had enough of it. im now immune to scolding to scarsm because im train for it. in class some want to study and some dont. but those who dont are making noises laughing out loud it gets really annoying and some of them are adding to the laughters they are adding the laughters with their stupid comments. teachers have to stop their lessons and then scold us. and we are way behind 3e5. and to the last resort the teachers have to rush through their lessons just to cover the syllabus. again the innocent suffers. some people have good attitude but they are studying at a slower pace and the environment is not helping. i hope the class change if not it has to be separated. we did not do anything to deserve this treatment if we were to go to other classes it wont be treated like this. just because we are in this class doesnt mean we are like them. just dont know what to do right now.
i am randomly writing this post.
R-a-n-d-O-m !!!!??
i wont be posting until im free cause very busy with ca2 and other stuff.